Explore the results we achieved during the project, including the GUIDE e-learning platform, Microlearning methodology with a toolkit of short learning modules, and the Vidcast which raises awareness by showcasing personal experiences of adult learners with LD.
Vidcast: What helps me learn
Vidcasts are short, engaging videos that are specifically designed to be shared on social media platforms. The vidcast aims to raise awareness about these challenges by showcasing the personal experiences and perspectives of adult learners with LD.
Vidcast #1
Tips and advice shared by adult learners with LD on overcoming obstacles caused by their LD.
Vidcast #2
Tips and advice shared by adult learners with LD on overcoming obstacles caused by their LD.
Vidcast #3
Tips and advice shared by adult learners with LD on overcoming obstacles caused by their LD.
Vidcast #4
Tips and advice shared by adult learners with LD on overcoming obstacles caused by their LD.