We support adults with learning difficulties through flexible learning experience

We support adults with learning difficulties through flexible learning experience


Adults with learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, and ADHD, often face significant challenges, when it comes to accessing education and training opportunities that would help them progress in their careers. This can lead to social exclusion and limited employment opportunities, ultimately hindering their overall well-being and quality of life.

Microlearning methodology and toolkit

The microlearning toolkit consists of short learning modules, each under 10 minutes in length, designed to equip you with the all necessary resources and materials.


Tailored lesson plans for LD (learning difficulties) learners that focus on fundamental skills that are crucial for the job market.

Vidcast: What helps me learn

Vidcasts are short, engaging videos that are specifically designed to be shared on social media platforms. The vidcast aims to raise awareness about these challenges by showcasing the personal experiences and perspectives of adult learners with LD.

Vidcast #1

Tips and advice shared by adult learners with LD on overcoming obstacles caused by their LD.

Vidcast #2

Tips and advice shared by adult learners with LD on overcoming obstacles caused by their LD.

Vidcast #3

Tips and advice shared by adult learners with LD on overcoming obstacles caused by their LD.

Vidcast #4

Tips and advice shared by adult learners with LD on overcoming obstacles caused by their LD.

Access GUIDE

e-learning platform

Access training materials, resources and tools for adult trainers to effectively implement the GUIDE methodology.


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